Saturday, March 26, 2011

How to Win a Fight: Self-Defense Strategies for the Untrained Man

You’re out and enjoying life with your friends or a certain young lady.  But some knucklehead  is determined to end your fun by trying to punch your lights out.  What can you do?
There are some simple self-defense tactics that even someone who’s not in great shape or has any special training can employ:
First of all, wake up!
  • Who’s watching you?
  • Look around, is someone giving you a hard look? Or alternately, does someone quickly avoid your gaze?
  • Watch people’s hands as you are walking, don’t look away when you pass.
  • Cross the street if you have to avoid a group of punks.
  • Don’t get too drunk.
  • Are you doing something stupid like hitting on someone’s girlfriend at the bar?
  • Are you in the habit of boasting about your fancy watch, car, apartment?
  • Point out the troublemaker to the bartender or doorman.
  • If the negative vibes get too intense, leave.
Remember, it’s always easier to STAY out of trouble than to GET out of trouble.
Second of all, keep from getting hit in a vital area!
  • Get your hands up in front of your face to protect your head.
  • Keep your mouth closed with your teeth clenched. When your mouth is open you are ripe to get your jaw broken (which means you should forget about ‘talking trash’).
  • Circle away from his power side (circle to the right if he has his right hand cocked back, circle to the left if he has his left hand cocked back).
  • You need to be either two arms lengths away from him (outside of his kicking range) or all the way in tight against him (holding him in a boxing clinch). Anything in between puts you in range for his punches and kicks.
Third, use your strongest weapons against his weakest targets.
  • Use the proverbial knee to the groin when you are clinching.
  • Smash him with your elbows in the face, throat and neck.
  • Kick him in the knee, groin or lower abdomen. Kick straight ahead using the bottom of your foot like you would kick in a door. Or kick straight back like a mule using your heel. If you are untrained, resist the urge to kick with the top of your foot like you are punting a football, you will probably use too much of your toes instead of your shin (ouch!).
  • If you try to trade punches with him, you’re probably playing right into his game.
  • Get a barrier between you and him (even if you have to run around a car).
  • Yell for help.  You can’t count on people coming to your aid, but he might think someone will render assistance.
  • Use a weapon.  Hose him down with your pepper spray.  Use a chair like a lion tamer.  Throw ashtrays at him.
  • Make your escape.  Lose your ego and your attitude.  Retreat and escape.  Live to go out and party again next weekend.
  • Better yet, start training tomorrow in a self-defense art or program.

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