Saturday, March 26, 2011

How to Win a Fight: Self-Defense Strategies for the Untrained Man

You’re out and enjoying life with your friends or a certain young lady.  But some knucklehead  is determined to end your fun by trying to punch your lights out.  What can you do?
There are some simple self-defense tactics that even someone who’s not in great shape or has any special training can employ:
First of all, wake up!
  • Who’s watching you?
  • Look around, is someone giving you a hard look? Or alternately, does someone quickly avoid your gaze?
  • Watch people’s hands as you are walking, don’t look away when you pass.
  • Cross the street if you have to avoid a group of punks.
  • Don’t get too drunk.
  • Are you doing something stupid like hitting on someone’s girlfriend at the bar?
  • Are you in the habit of boasting about your fancy watch, car, apartment?
  • Point out the troublemaker to the bartender or doorman.
  • If the negative vibes get too intense, leave.
Remember, it’s always easier to STAY out of trouble than to GET out of trouble.
Second of all, keep from getting hit in a vital area!
  • Get your hands up in front of your face to protect your head.
  • Keep your mouth closed with your teeth clenched. When your mouth is open you are ripe to get your jaw broken (which means you should forget about ‘talking trash’).
  • Circle away from his power side (circle to the right if he has his right hand cocked back, circle to the left if he has his left hand cocked back).
  • You need to be either two arms lengths away from him (outside of his kicking range) or all the way in tight against him (holding him in a boxing clinch). Anything in between puts you in range for his punches and kicks.
Third, use your strongest weapons against his weakest targets.
  • Use the proverbial knee to the groin when you are clinching.
  • Smash him with your elbows in the face, throat and neck.
  • Kick him in the knee, groin or lower abdomen. Kick straight ahead using the bottom of your foot like you would kick in a door. Or kick straight back like a mule using your heel. If you are untrained, resist the urge to kick with the top of your foot like you are punting a football, you will probably use too much of your toes instead of your shin (ouch!).
  • If you try to trade punches with him, you’re probably playing right into his game.
  • Get a barrier between you and him (even if you have to run around a car).
  • Yell for help.  You can’t count on people coming to your aid, but he might think someone will render assistance.
  • Use a weapon.  Hose him down with your pepper spray.  Use a chair like a lion tamer.  Throw ashtrays at him.
  • Make your escape.  Lose your ego and your attitude.  Retreat and escape.  Live to go out and party again next weekend.
  • Better yet, start training tomorrow in a self-defense art or program.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Phone companies know where their customers' cellphones are, often within a radius of less than 100 feet. That tracking technology has rescued lost drivers, helped authorities find kidnap victims and let parents keep tabs on their kids.
But the technology isn't always used the way the phone company intends.
One morning last summer, Glenn Helwig threw his then-wife to the floor of their bedroom in Corpus Christi, Texas, she alleged in police reports. She packed her 1995 Hyundai and drove to a friend's home, she recalled recently. She didn't expect him to find her.

The day after she arrived, she says, her husband "all of a sudden showed up." According to police reports, he barged in and knocked her to the floor, then took off with her car.
The police say in a report that Mr. Helwig found his wife using a service offered by his cellular carrier, which enabled him to follow her movements through the global-positioning-system chip contained in her cellphone.
Mr. Helwig, in an interview, acknowledged using the service to track his wife on some occasions. He says he signed up for the tracking service last year. "AT&T had this little deal where you could find your family member through her cellphone," he says. But he didn't use it to find his wife that day, he says. Mr. Helwig, who is awaiting trial on related assault charges, declined to comment further about the matter. He has pleaded not guilty.

The allegations are a stark reminder of a largely hidden cost from the proliferation of sophisticated tracking technology in everyday life—a loss of privacy.
Global-positioning systems, called GPS, and other technologies used by phone companies have unexpectedly made it easier for abusers to track their victims. A U.S. Justice Department report last year estimated that more than 25,000 adults in the U.S. are victims of GPS stalking annually, including by cellphone.
In the online world, consumers who surf the Internet unintentionally surrender all kinds of personal information to marketing firms that use invisible tracking technology to monitor online activity. A Wall Street Journal investigation of the 50 most-popular U.S. websites found that most are placing intrusive tracking technologies on the computers of visitors—in some cases, more than 100 tracking tools at a time.
The cellphone industry says location-tracking programs are meant to provide a useful service to families, and that most providers take steps to prevent abuse. Mike Altschul, chief counsel for wireless-telecommunications trade group CTIA, says recommended "best practices" for providers of such services include providing notification to the person being tracked.
Mr. Helwig's wife had received such a notification, by text message, from AT&T. A spokesman for AT&T Inc. says it notifies all phone users when tracking functions are activated. But users don't have the right to refuse to be tracked by the account holder. Turning off the phone stops the tracking.

For the full article go here...

D.C. Sees Shocking Rise in Sex Assaults or not!

In keeping up its reputation as one of the most dangerous metro areas in the U.S., the District of Columbia has seen the number of sexual assaults skyrocket this year by 50%. Or it could be only 11 %. It depends on whose statistics you use. 
According to the Washington Examiner, it’s a 50% increase for serious sexual assaults which includes 1st degree and 2nd degree assaults (1st degree is defined as when the attacker forces sex through direct violence and 2nd degree is when the attacker uses the threat of violence).
However the city’s Police department says the increase is only 11% this year.  The city’s numbers include everything from the misdemeanor of “innappropriate touching” to forced sex.
The overall crime rate for D.C. differs with who you talk to as well. The FBI says violent crime in the city increased 7% this year.  The D.C. police department says violent crimedecreased by 7%.
Mark Twain said it best, “There’s lies, there’s damned lies, and then there’s statistics.”
I’ve seen statistical information vary wildly from different institutions. Some of it can be chalked up to different methodologies in gathering and interpreting information. But I also suspect that a good portion of it comes from either driving — or protecting — a political agenda. That means organizations which would be hurt by the numbers are most likely to downplay the real threat.
For example, I know that many universities report their crime statistics strictly by the actual school boundaries and not the general campus area. This means that crime statistics can look quite low — as measured within the sidewalks that contain the school’s buildings. But the real crime rate is usually a lot higher around the campus in the living areas, restaurants, bars, stores and parking lots that students invariably use every day.
Sexual crimes and violence against women has historically been, and continues to be, a huge problem.  The fact is, if you are female, you are at risk no matter where you are — dispite what the city, the university, or others might tell you.